Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: The Cossacks

    • Platforms:
    • PC |
  • Developer: Paradox
  • Publisher:Paradox
  • Release: December 01, 2015

The Cossacks is the sixth major expansion for Europa Universalis IV and focuses on Hordes and Eastern Europe. This addition allows you to plunder your neighbours as a horde in order to keep your. Summary: The Cossacks is the sixth major expansion for Europa Universalis IV and focuses on Hordes and Eastern Europe. This addition allows you to plunder your neighbours as a horde in order to keep your tribes loyal and raze their lands to gain power to advance in technology or reform into a settled The Cossacks is the sixth major expansion for Europa Universalis IV and focuses on Hordes. I played EU IV extensively, 3681 hours says enough (I think). About 80% of this in Iron Mode and most of the time as Brandenburg (70%), Osman (10%), Portugal (10%), France (5%) about 20 other nations the rest of the time. After the Cossacks expansion, which is in my oppionion, honestly the badest released expansion of all (not only because of the many bugs), I can't play the game with.

  1. The Cossacks is the sixth major expansion for Europa Universalis IV and focuses on Hordes and Eastern Europe. This addition allows you to plunder your neighbors as a horde in order to keep your tribes loyal and raze their lands to gain the power to advance in technology or reform into a settled nation.
  2. Description The Cossacks is the sixth major expansion for Europa UniversalisIV and focuses on Hordes and Eastern Europe. This addition allows you to plunder your neighboursas a horde in order to keep your tribes loyal and raze their lands to gain power to advance in technology or reform into a settled nation.

The Cossacks, the latest Europa Universalis IV expansion, focuses on adding an internal politics system (Estates), reworking diplomacy and deepening the Eastern Asian nations. The net effect of all of this is overwhelmingly positive and is quite a game changer in a similar fashion to the Art of War expansion.

Europa Universalis Iv Review

The new diplomatic options/system is the most important change in terms of how one might approach the game and takes some getting used to. You now accumulate and spend “favors” with your allies in wars. If you contribute a higher percentage in a war (measured by war score) than you received in the distribution of gains, you gain some proportional number of “favors” to be repaid later. In older versions of EU4, I treated my allies as sometimes-necessary annoyances who I would sometimes be able to use for my benefit and other times were dragging me into wars I had nothing to gain from. With the new exchange of favors system, I’m often pleased when a major ally wants me to join their war because I can gain favors to induce them to join my wars. As Spain, I formed a symbiotic relationship with Portugal over many years where we expanded out in different directions constantly repaying each other’s favors, strengthening our alliance, and respective nations, through the centuries. I consider this to be a major fix and requires an alteration to one’s playing style. This system isn’t perfect, however; it can be hard to arrange a war where two allies would want to gain from different co-belligerents.

Europa universalis iv collection

The “Estate” or internal politics system takes a little bit of getting used to but it is, again, a marked improvement. Estates have thre properties: Influence, Loyalty, Territorial Control, and are assigned to territory in a similar manner to parliamentary seats. Each territory they control receives bonuses and costs based on which estate controls the territory and how high their loyalty is. Flavor events tie into the estate system which I really like. You now have to balance their competing interests. You don’t want an Estate to have too much influence or territorial control or not enough loyalty. You have to consider the effects of many decisions on your estates which means that you can’t just click the same choice in events over and over again and have to consider the state of your estates. If their loyalty falls too low, you will start to experience powerful uprisings. This system has been applied to seemingly every country in the world, giving you a reason to go back and try old favorites for a second time. This system changes the game in major ways and it would be difficult for a change like this to not be game-breaking, but, presumably thanks to good testing and quality control, the game works just fine with this massive change to the way that nations function.

The new Horde mechanics work well. As a horde, you can “raze” provinces to gain monarch points. You can use these to keep your country technologically advanced or well developed in their core regions. I enjoyed the somewhat different experience of the razing mechanic. It gives one a reason to try this out at least once as it is now one of the quite different countries out there. The Tengri faith has also been modified so that it is now a “Syncretic Faith” meaning it can adopt itself to its neighbors religion for different sets of bonuses.Players of Tengri nations have difficult decisions in where to expand: South into Confucian territories or west into Sunni lands because not only do you get different religious bonuses but you don’t need to convert your captured regions nor do they have religious unrest.

There are still some legacy issues that need to be addressed, namely stability issues. Periodic crashes happen and the game needs to be able to load a previous save in-game consistently without a crash. Given the number of patches, these stability issues need to be a higher priority. This patch seemed to make the game reload itself from scratch when you quit to main menu, but even this, which must be a pain for those with low performance machines, doesn’t seem to address the crash problem.


Closing Comments:
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Cossacks fixes the diplomacy system in a way that was sorely needed. The addition of estates and the way that they have been tied into flavor events adds quite a bit of sensible depth, adding additional character to seemingly all of the world’s factions. Horde mechanics and Tengrism give one a reason to try a set of factions that might have been previously have ignored. Given the price tag, many have compared this game to Art of War and found it lacking. I disagree. The diplomatic fixes here are at least as important as the war fixes there. The new estate system and the resulting crises and events over the years can be as interesting and new as the 30 years war events were in Art of War. Lastly, this is one of the more polished EU4 expansions yet. Auto-transport in Art of War is needlessly slower than doing it manually (where you dock in the ports) and the create army group system is still somewhat buggy. The only real issue here is arranging wars where two allies would want to gain from different co-belligerents and this isn’t as big a problem in practice as it would seem.

Version Reviewed: PC

Titles are a funny thing. The most recent Europa Universalis IV expansion, for instance, is titled “The Cossacks.” You would think, then, that the most important features of the update would relate to the Cossacks, and maybe other steppe tribes. And this update does focus some effort on those loose “nations,” deepening their play with some interesting chrome. Yet EU4: The Cossacks’ most important feature is one having nothing (or, at least, very little) to do with Cossacks, and instead builds out the most important feature to come in EU4 since launch: the Estate system.

Europa Universalis IV has always had an external sort of focus. The game revolved around external decisions: who to ally with, where to colonize, who to make war against and so forth. There are, of course, internal concerns- revolt risks and random events- but these largely seemed either arbitrary or easy to manage. Cossacks adds system to the madness, leaving you an actual society to manage. You’re not left with solely managing wars and expansion, your economy is largely dependent on your ability to manage the estates.

Which estates you have in your nation largely depends on who you play as. In my English/Great Britain playthrough, I had three: the clergy, the burghers, and the nobles. When I switched to the Golden Horde, I was left with only one estate, the Tribes. Each estate is rated for loyalty and for influence. Keeping the loyalty and influence sufficiently high will offer estate-dependent bonuses. Endless space 2 academy. Strong and loyal burghers will increase your trade values, and give you access to powerful chits to call in, like the ability to instantly build a small fleet. Time put into making sure your estates are strong and loyal can provide key reinforcements during wartime, or provide substantial boosts to your finances and settler abilities.

The trouble is, estates that get too influential will start to think that, maybe, just maybe, they don’t need the king anymore. Somehow, I allowed my English nobility to become too strong. As they fomented treason, I was forced to curb their influence by snatching provinces from their influence. This, of course, resulted in revolts, and several years spent battling against my own nobility instead of the evil French. On another occasion, my clergy, upset of my expansion of the burghers (or so I tell myself), became disloyal, resulting in a huge drop in my ability to collect taxes. So you see, there is a difficult balance to strike, you want your estates to be strong enough to help you, but not so strong that they become a threat. Some events force you to pick one estate over another, and as king I was constantly weighing the checks and balances of these decisions.

My Golden Horde experience was the one part of the new expansion that I felt was a bit uneven. In order to appease my tribesmen, and keep up what is termed “Tribal Unity,” I was forced to fight my neighbors, and take provinces. In EU4, when you first take a province, you must “core” it to reduce the risk of revolt and gain taxes from its citizens. When a tribal state takes a province, they have to raze it in order maintain tribal unity, and not risk the harsh penalties associated with low unity. You can’t raze a cored province, meaning that you are forced to either take provinces and never core them, risking revolt and never truly expanding, or you constantly stay at war to keep adding provinces. Being at war like that tends to put you on the wrong side of your neighbors, meaning that you are either courting coalition-led disaster or watching your country stagnate. It felt weird within the EU4 system, and not particularly fun.

Expansion - Europa Universalis Iv The Cossacks

Cossacks added a few other options in the expansion. These included a national policy toward natives while colonizing (yes!), the ability to change culture of your provinces, and some new diplomatic/espionage options. These aren’t huge changes, but are nice throw-ins with the estate system.

Europa Universalis Iv Download

A quick read of the history of the Thirty Years War shows Austria a slave to its estates, economically destitute without them. Much of the struggle the English had in the 17th century was due to struggles between the monarchy and its economic dependents on its estates. And, of course, the French revolution’s example, with its Estates General and Tennis Court oath, are well known to history. Cossack’s great success is adding this system seamlessly into EU4’s already fantastic system, taking a game that was already quite compelling, and making it even better.